June 2, 2020, 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Mature tech solutions in the COVID-19 response: Leveraging what already works to improve health outcomes

The COVID-19 pandemic has catalyzed rapid innovation globally. Yet as novel digital solutions emerge, so has awareness of the breadth of tech-driven tools that already exist. In many low resource settings, these tools, such as SMS and telemedicine, already play a critical role in healthcare delivery, and have proven to be essential assets in the COVID-19 response.
In this webinar, we will bring together experts across sectors who are repurposing or expanding existing digital solutions as part of the COVID-19 response. Panelists will discuss the value of leveraging mature technologies in the fight against COVID-19; explore how these existing tools can complement new ones; and share relevant lessons learned.
Part of a new webinar series hosted by DASH, the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Summits for Health. In partnership with Novartis Foundation, Harvard Global Health Institute and MIT Critical Data. Support provided by Harvard University Center for African Studies.
Shabnam Aggarwal
Senior Director of New Business. Dimagi, Inc.
Koku Awonoor
Director of Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Ghana Health Service
Karin Kallander
Digital Health Lead, UNICEF
Adele Waugaman
Senior Digital Health Advisor, USAID