June 30, 2020, 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Closing the Data Gap: Novel Approaches for Data Use in the COVID-19 Response

AI-driven solutions are only as good as the data used to train them. From accurate testing numbers to comprehensive infection rates, data are essential to understanding COVID-19 and crafting national policy, including the allocation of limited health-resources. Yet high volume, high quality data isn’t readily available everywhere, and the gap between what is needed and what is available can be substantial, especially in low resource settings.
Understanding the importance of data for informing decision-making, this webinar will bring together data scientists and policy experts to discuss opportunities and challenges to meet this urgent need. Panelists will reflect on novel approaches for acquiring data; discuss the ethical and regulatory implications of their use and dive into recommendations on how to overcome ongoing barriers to data collection during COVID-19.
Part of a new webinar series hosted by DASH, the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Summits for Health. In partnership with Novartis Foundation, Harvard Global Health Institute and MIT Critical Data. Support provided by Harvard University Center for African Studies.
Edson Amaro Junior
Professor, Department of Radiology, University of Sao Paulo
Leo Celi
Clinical Research Director, Laboratory for Computational Physiology, Massachusetts Institute for Technology
Kirsten Gagnaire
CEO, Kati Collective