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January 18, 2019, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

tech and health
tech and health

Tech & Health Seminar Series

Governing the Rise of AI: A Unique Global Governance Challenge” 

The rise of Artificial Intelligence as a general purpose technology exhibits characteristics of velocity and magnitude probably not seen in earlier major techno-industrial revolutions. The great upsides and severe downsides it generates are inextricably connected, requiring a complex governance effort to capture opportunities while minimizing risks and spreading the gains widely. The case of healthcare lies at the center of this conundrum with an abundance of use-cases ranging from diagnostic, prevention, to therapy. Because the AI revolution is a global phenomenon nested in the wider digital socio-economic paradigm, the governance effort will have to mobilize public and private actors as well as citizens internationally and transnationally in new and innovative ways. We will discuss possible pathways, solutions, strategies and challenges.


Nicolas Miailhe co-founded The Future Society in 2014 and incubated it at the Harvard  Kennedy School of Government. An independent think-and-do-tank, The Future Society specializes in questions of impact and governance of emerging technologies, starting with Artificial Intelligence through its “AI Initiative” launched in 2015. A recognized strategist, thought-leader, and implementer, Nicolas has lectured around the world, and advises multinationals, governments and international organizations. He is the co-Convener of the Global Governance of AI Roundtable (GGAR) organized yearly during the World Government Summit in Dubai, as well as a member of the AI Group of experts at OECD (AIGO), of the World Bank’s Digital Economy for All Initiative (DE4ALL), and of the Global Council on Extended Intelligence (CXI). Nicolas teaches at the Paris School of International Affairs (Sciences Po), at the IE School of Global and Public Affairs in Madrid, and at the Mohamed bin Rashid School of Government in Dubai. He is also a member of three committees of the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethically Aligned Design of AI and Autonomous Systems, a Senior Visiting Research Fellow with the Program on Science, Technology and Society at Harvard, and a Fellow with the Center for the Governance of Change at IE Business School in Madrid.


January 18, 2019
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm