Global Mental Health

Mental Health & COVID-19 Research Collaborative MassCPR Sub-Working Group


Mental Health Sub-Working Group:

Dr. Vikram Patel, Dr. Cindy Liu, and Dr. Christina Borba are co-leads of this sub-group focused on the many complex aspects of tackling the mental health issues arising from or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The first meeting was held on Friday May 29th 2020 with an introduction to a number of current and proposed projects by individuals interested in participating in this collaborative community of Boston based researchers.

The group is an open network for anyone in the Massachusetts area working on mental health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’d like more information or for information about an upcoming monthly meeting please contact Katy O’Neill.

This sub-group sits under the Epidemiology working group co-lead by Dr. Megan Murray and Dr. Michael Mina.

Mission of MassCPR:

The goal of the Massachusetts Consortium on Pathogen Readiness (MassCPR) is to develop and invest in both the research process and supporting infrastructure to address the current global COVID-19 pandemic, and better position the Consortium for potential future outbreaks.

The initial efforts of the MassCPR are aimed at elucidating the basic biology of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the pathogenesis of the resulting disease, developing new diagnostic tools, vaccines, and antiviral therapies, creating and using animal and other model systems, understanding disease epidemiology, and leveraging clinical expertise to improve medical management