Global Mental Health

Mental Health Care Leadership Champions: A Three-Program Certificate of Specialization

The unmet needs for care for mental health problems have always been large; they have only increased during the current pandemic. Mental Health Care Leadership Champions will help narrow this gap by training and mentoring forward-thinking leaders.

To learn more and apply visit:
Foundations of Mental Health Care | Executive and Continuing Professional Education | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health


The Certificate of Specialization comprises three programs, taught by faculty from the Harvard School of The Certificate of Specialization comprises three programs, taught by faculty from the Harvard School of Public Health, the GlobalMentalHealth@Harvard Initiative and an international pool of experts, embracing both empirical evidence and real-world lessons. Through this training and mentoring program, professionals from around the world will empower themselves to scale-up evidence-based and innovative programs to address the mental health needs of their communities with knowledge, skills, and peer support.

Those who complete both Foundations of Mental Health Care and Scaling Up Mental Health Care programs are invited to join a third program: a peer-learning collaborative to support and learn from one another as they embark on their journey of being champions for mental health.

Learn From the Experts

Foundations of Mental Health Care will be led by renowned faculty who have held both public health research and real-world leadership roles. Core instructors include Shekhar Saxena, former Director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse at the World Health Organization, Vikram Patel, co-leader of GlobalMentalHealth@Harvard, and Giuseppe Raviola, Director of Mental Health for Partners In Health (PIH), and the Director of the Program in Global Mental Health and Social Change (PGMHSC) at Harvard Medical School.

By completing this synchronous, virtual program, you will learn how to:

  • Apply evidence-based models of care for the population that you serve
  • Expand capacity by applying concepts and tools derived from real-world models
  • Develop an international network of industry peers

Who Should Apply?

This program is designed for practitioners, policy advisors, health administrators, service planners, business leaders, and civil society organization executives with a responsibility for mental health.

Participants may hold titles such as:

  • Director of mental health
  • Administrator of mental health
  • Mental health consultant
  • Commissioner of mental health
  • Chief mental health officer
  • Human resource director