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November 12, 2020, 9:00 am - 10:00 am

tech and health
tech and health

DASH Webinar: Sustainable Business Models for AI in Health


Digital health and AI tools have skyrocketed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The potential is enormous –  yet the long term scalability and sustainability of these innovations remains unknown. As the digital health space propels forward, key questions remain on how we can create an environment where innovators thrive and governmental policies support sustainable business models. In this panel discussion, speakers will reflect on the types of partnerships and structures needed to ensure high-impact products reach those most in need, and tools which improve health outcomes continue to do so well beyond the pandemic.


Sarah Des Rosiers
Stakeholder Engagement Lead | Novartis Foundation

Sarah Des Rosiers is a global health professional dedicated to use the power of innovation and partnerships to solve today’s health access challenges. In 2020, Sarah joined the Novartis Foundation to shape the outcome measurement work of its cardiovascular urban health initiatives and to build cardiovascular population health approaches in low-middle income countries that are driven by innovative health and care delivery.

A former management consultant with PwC, she advised major healthcare players (pharma industry and global health organizations) on projects that focused on market access, management improvements and impact evaluation.

Prior to this, she held roles at WHO, UNAIDS and the Clinton Health Access Initiative and built her expertise in program and grant management, focusing on strengthening health systems and increasing access to affordable services and medicines globally. Through all these roles, she worked closely with health authorities and partners in countries like Haiti, Tanzania and Cameroon. Sarah received an MSc in International Health Policy & Economics (LSE) and an MBA from the University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland. She was born in Canada and lives with her family in Switzerland.


Marelize Gorgens
Senior Specialist | World Bank

Marelize leads a global program on Decision and Delivery Science in Health and Human Development at the World Bank. The aim of this program is to accelerate the use of analytics and digital health innovation to improve human development outcomes in low and middle income countries. With an academic background in engineering, mathematical modelling, public health, and predictive analytics, her career started in management consulting, and then switched gears to international development — working first for the Government of Malawi and later for the World Bank.

She has spent over 20 years working alongside Governments, the private sector and not-for-profit organizations in low and middle income countries improving the efficiency and effectiveness of health and education programs. She has been invited faculty at master’s degree courses at Universities. She has published extensively (both academically and technical books, some of which are used as teaching materials in universities), and is on the editorial board of two journals.

Cole Sirucek
Founder and CEO | DocDoc

Cole Sirucek is an investor and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience founding, investing into and otherwise supporting entrepreneurial ventures on a global basis.

He has founded a diverse range of businesses in his career. Cole is a Co-Founder of DocDoc Pte. Ltd., which is Asia’s largest doctor discovery and appointment reservation system. He is also the Co-Founder of Epic MMA Club, Asia’s largest mixed martial arts training center. On the investment side, Cole is currently a Managing Director at Founders Equity Partners, a direct secondary investment fund.

Cole spent seven years as a direct investor with Temasek Holdings. In this capacity, he sourced, executed and monitored investments on a global basis in the firm’s telecommunications, media and technology group. Before Temasek, he was the Co-Founder and Executive Vice President of Pluto Networks – a wireless data networking company. He has previously held executive positions in Hawaii’s State Government and has worked as a technology venture capitalist and strategy business consultant.

Cole attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management (Master of Business Administration) and Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government (Master in Public Administration). He was a President of MIT’s Private Equity & Venture Capital Association and a Lead Organizer of the MIT $100K Global Startup Workshop Entrepreneurship Competition.

Bocar BA
CEO | SAMENA Council

Bocar BA is an advocacy specialist, focused on the promotion of sustainable digital development, ICT infrastructure expansion and investment through collaboration and multi-stakeholder partnerships in the Middle East and Africa regions. BA is the CEO and a board member of SAMENA Telecommunications Council, which serves as a sector-development partner to governments and the telecommunications industry toward jointly creating a sustainable ICT environment as the enabler of sustainable digital economy.

In his capacity as CEO of SAMENA Council, BA helps bring together and builds alliances between digital ecosystem stakeholders, including regulators and other government bodies, to address critical technocentric, policy, and regulatory issues. His efforts have directly helped drive key regional initiatives, summits and roundtables in areas including affordable infrastructure, advanced digital services, data and privacy regulation, spectrum management, and industry fees and taxation. BA is a strong advocate of advancing socio-economic progress and contributing to the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through ecosystem-wide collaboration on proliferating ICTs, and setting incentives for investment in digitization and advanced communications infrastructure.


November 12, 2020
9:00 am - 10:00 am


Harvard Global Health Institute


Virtual: Zoom + Google Map