March 11, 2021, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Promoting Vaccine Equity: A Global Perspective on COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

Promoting Vaccine Equity: A Global Perspective on COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution is the first event in a new series focused on global vaccine equity hosted by the Harvard Global Health Institute, in partnership with Ariadne Labs and the Harvard University Center for AIDS Research (CFAR). In this webinar, global experts will convene to lay the groundwork for understanding the current scope of the vaccine distribution crisis and the historical relevance of its challenges. Panelists will review the status of national and bilateral vaccine distribution efforts, offer insights into pertinent lessons learned from analogous public health responses, and discuss anticipated on-the-ground challenges to vaccine rollout in countries in Africa and across the globe. Join us on Thursday, March 11th from 9:00am EST – 10:30am EST as we consider the current state of global COVID-19 vaccine distribution and necessary steps for a path towards equity.
Register here!