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climate change
Climate Change and Global Health Seminar: Samuel Myers “Planetary Health: A broader framing of the climate/health discussion”
Our next seminar will take place on May 9th 1:00pm-2:00pm featuring Samuel Myers, MD, MPH, Director of Planetary Health, speaking on “Planetary Health: A broader framing of the climate/health discussion.” It will take place in the Cannon Room, at the Harvard Medical School, 240 Longwood Ave Boston, MA. Lunch will be provided.
special projects
special projects
Humanitarian Response Intensive Course
The Humanitarian Response Intensive Course is offered each year to professionals from around the world at Harvard University. Through presentations and hands on table top exercises offered by faculty and guest lecturers who are experts in their topic areas, participants will gain familiarity with the primary frameworks in the humanitarian field (human rights, livelihoods, Sphere standards, international humanitarian law) and will focus on practical issues that arise in the field, such as personal and team security, rapid assessments, application of minimum standards for food security, shelter, WaSH (water, sanitation and hygiene) and operational approaches to relations with the military in humanitarian settings. Throughout the class, students will participate in pre-assigned learning teams to complete in-class projects designed to compliment a humanitarian case study. At the conclusion of class, student teams will present an aid delivery proposal designed to meet the needs of the population portrayed in the humanitarian case study.
Classes will be held in English. To successfully participate in the course, we recommend that participants have at least a B2 English language level (CEFR).
Participants will utilize knowledge of the humanitarian field gained in the classroom learning sessions during a three-day field simulation exercise. Attendees will spend two nights in the forest and participate in a complicated disaster and conflict scenario. During the simulation, participants will work in teams representing different humanitarian nongovernmental organizations and will engage with a wide range of local and non-state actors (roles developed and filled by faculty, course alumni, and affiliates) to create a service delivery plan.
The simulation will be held rain or shine.
Course Fees
Standard Registration Fee: $2600 USD ($2450 Early Registration rate available until October 31, 2016)
Medical Resident / Student Discounted Registration Fee: $2400 USD ($2250 Early Registration rate available until October 31, 2016)
climate change
climate change
health systems
health systems
2017 CUGH Satellite: Putting quality on the global health agenda
This symposium will provide a lecture followed by a panel discussion to explore the need to increase access to healthcare and simultaneously ensure that the care provided is of sufficiently high quality (i.e. care that is safe, effective, patient centered, timely, efficient, and equitable). Healthcare systems need to think beyond access and coverage of healthcare services, and start measuring and systematically improving quality of healthcare in LMICs. This session of leading international experts will discuss and debate the best approaches to measurement of health care quality; examples of quality improvement programs that have worked or failed, and lessons from such case studies; quality of care in private versus public sectors; use of quality dashboards, audits and tools, and their likely impact on quality; and understanding an overcoming the persuasive know-do gap (i.e. gap between what healthcare providers know and what they actually do in practice). Speakers will also reflect on why quality health care is critical for reaching global health goals, and why focusing on healthcare availability and utilization may not delivery the SDGs.
student engagement
student engagement
health systems
health systems
climate change
climate change
health systems
health systems
High Quality Health Systems: A Global Agenda
Join us for the launch of the Lancet Global Health Commission on High Quality Health Systems in the SDG Era!
Providing consistently high quality health care is a challenge across the globe, particularly in lower income countries. How can health systems provide the quality of care that people deserve?
The Lancet Global Health Commission on High Quality Health Systems in the SDG Era (HQSS Commission) and the Harvard Global Health Institute invite you to join in the launch of the HQSS Commission. This meeting will introduce the key challenges facing health systems in defining, measuring, and improving quality. Join us the entire day or drop by for select sessions.
Forum: High Quality Health Systems: A Global Agenda
Date: Monday, March 13th
Location: Rotunda Room, Joseph B. Martin Conference Center
Time: 9:00AM to 5:00PM, lunch provided at 12:30PM
health systems
health systems
Research Seminar feat. Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr, Columbia University
Harvard Global Health Institute (HGHI) is pleased to invite you to a research seminar on Friday, March 10th from 12 to 1pm featuring Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr. El-Sadr is the University Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine at Columbia University, the director of the International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP) at Columbia University, and director of the Global Health Initiative at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health. She will speak on her current research. Lunch will be served.
health systems
health systems
Boston Global Surgery Symposium
About the Boston Global Surgery Symposium
The conference will include a keynote by Dr. John Meara, Chair of the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. We will then have several panel sessions including: crisis and humanitarian aid, education and capacity-building, global surgery innovation, subspecialty global surgery, and global surgery research. The speakers are leaders in the field of global surgery and come from many surgical specialties, including: neuro, thoracic, trauma, general, orthopedic, ENT, plastics, cardiac, OMFS, pediatric, surg onc, OB/Gyn, and anesthesia. We will also have a panel on how to have a career in global surgery run by several of the global surgery fellows in Boston.
About the Global Surgery Student Alliance
The Global Surgery Student Alliance is the national student-run global surgery working group for the U.S. Our goal is to bring more students into the field of global surgery and to unite our efforts across the U.S. We also hope to connect students to international global surgery efforts through our affiliation with InciSioN (the International Student Surgical Network). We want to provide a central resource for students in the U.S. who are interested in global surgery, including anesthesia and OB/GYN. Check out our website to learn more about the Boston Global Surgery Symposium, global surgery, the GSSA, student groups near you, and more!
health systems
health systems
Extremis: A screening and conversation with Dr. Jessica Zitter
EXTREMIS (n) [eks-tre-mees]: in extreme circumstances; especially at the point of death.
Join us for a screening of the Oscar-nominated Netflix Original documentary, Extremis, (24 minutes long) and a conversation with the physician featured in the film, Dr. Jessica Nutik Zitter. The conversation will be led by Dr. Dara Lee Lewis of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and The Lown Cardiovascular Group.
Extremis is a verité documentary exploring the harrowing decisions that doctors, families and patients face in urgent end-of- life cases. With access to the intensive care unit of a public hospital, the film offers a uniquely intimate look at the intersection of science, faith and humanity.
The event will be held in the Carl W. Walter Amphitheater.
Following the event, Dr. Zitter will be signing copies of her book (release date February 21st), Extreme Measures, which will be available to purchase from the Harvard Coop.
Sponsored by the Harvard Medical School Geriatrics & Palliative Care Interest Group and the Harvard Global Health Institute and in partnership with The Lown Cardiovascular Group
Nominated for an Academy Award (Best Documentary Short).
Winner, Best Documentary Short 2016 Tribeca Film Festival.
Official Selection Telluride Film Festival.
For more information about Dr. Zitter, please visit order Extreme Measures, please visit .