Global Mental Health

Global Mental Health Postdoctoral Fellowship at Harvard Medical School and Aga Khan University

To apply click here!

The HMS Department of Global Health and Social Medicine is pleased to announce an opening for one postdoctoral fellow in global mental health. The goal of this Fellowship Program is to strengthen capacity for global mental health implementation science in South and Central Asia and/or East Africa. The Fellowship Program is a joint initiative of the Aga Khan University’s Brain and Mind Institute and the
GlobalMentalHealth@Harvard Initiative. The Program supports post-doctoral research fellows in conducting implementation science research designed to translate prevention, assessment, and treatment interventions to specific settings and vulnerable populations in low- and middle-income countries. Applicants may be citizens of the U.S. or other countries. They should have a doctoral degree and experience publishing research papers.

Application deadline is September 30th, 2024.

Start date: August 25th, 2025

Year 1: Harvard Medical School, Boston USA;
Year 2: Aga Khan University – East Africa / South and Central Asia

Duration: Two years

Salary: Consistent with HMS and AKU guidelines.

Primary supervisors: Vikram Patel and Zul Merali

Minimum Qualifications
The Fellowship Program is open to individuals who have received their PhD or completed their MD with a research thesis degree at the time of appointment. Additionally, applicants should have a record of academic achievement (for example, prior peer-reviewed publications), and have demonstrated a commitment to pursuing a career in global mental health research, particularly in service to the geographies served by Aga Khan University and the Aga Khan Development Network. The Fellowship Program is open to any qualified candidate.

Application Instructions
Interested applicants should submit the following as one PDF to Dr. Zul Merali, Director, Brain and Mind Institute, brain& for consideration:

  • CV
  • Cover letter outlining interest in the fellowship
  • Personal statement of no more than 1,000 words addressing: the candidate’s passion for a career in impactful research on mental health in LMICs; how the candidate demonstrates commitment to the issues and countries where they plan to carry out future work
  • Writing samples or publication examples (no more than three total)
  • Names and contact information for three references

Submit items as one PDF named “[your last name, first initial]_GMH2023” by September 30th 2024