Global Health Security, Infectious Diseases

HGHI, HU CFAR Host Virtual Grand Rounds on Lessons from HIV for Global Equity During Pandemics

Ongoing global Covid-19 vaccine and therapeutic inequities threaten to prolong and exacerbate the pandemic for all countries. As advocates, academics, and policymakers alike call for the U.S. and other wealthy nations to share these lifesaving resources with the world, it is prudent to consider the lessons learned from the HIV pandemic that can be translated into this current moment. PEPFAR and the experiences of HIV health workers offer a roadmap and over 20 years of learnings for implementing vaccine and therapeutic scale-up and delivery efforts in low resource settings.

On January 20th, 2022, the Harvard Global Health Institute and the Harvard University Center for AIDS Research grand rounds event brought together members of the HIV research and advocacy communities to critically reflect upon applicable lessons for approaching Covid-19 healthcare delivery and identify necessary steps for a paradigm shift in how the world responds to global health crises. The grand rounds included a 1-hour panel discussion between Dr. Ruth Okediji, Dr. Paul Farmer, and James Krellenstein, and a 30-minute fireside conversation between Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. John Nkengasong. These conversations were oriented towards practical, timely steps that advocates, academics, and policymakers can take to advance equity in this and future global health crisis.

Watch the full recording of the event below: